This was our first time shooting a music video, and we were so excited about this project. Dennis was the Director making this music video for Hivi! for the release of their newest single : Pelangi.
They are also introducing their newest member, Neida, the only female vocalist in the band, for the first time in public. Neida joined Hivi! because she realized that being a regular 9 to 5 office employee is not her passion, but music and singing is.

Creating the fake rain outside the room.

The make-up session.

Dennis as the both Director and DOP for the day.
For this shoot day, we started in the afternoon at Hivi!’s base camp, which took place at Ezra’s house. We shot the early scenes of Neida’s room and then later in the night we moved location to the coffee shop where the rest of the gang had already performed. It was a fun shooting day and although we finished past midnight, the results are great and it was worth the effort.

Arriving at the coffeeshop scene, where the guys are performing inside.

Ares taking the mic on stage.

The new formation of Hivi!

It’s a wrap!!
Don’t forget to watch the behind the scenes of the making of Pelangi music video by Hivi! here: