Love Birth Life is a love story. A documentary that follows Freya Light, a spiritually awoken single mum in rural Victoria who is doing her home-birth by herself, without any partner support. Her sisterhood and her inner teacher is the only guide for her along the windy year of 2020.
Most people, see that life is a linear line. There’s a moment where it appears (birth), and there’s a moment where it stops (death).
Another way to see the line, is just to see it as a accumulation of dots. Every dot is an independent moment arising and passing away. At first it looks like a line, but in reality, there’s no line, there’s no past, and there’s no future. It’s just dots constantly appearing and fading away, that is what we call the here & now.
Love Birth Life is an honest observation of the powerful birth story from Freya Light, a single mum that learns to let go of her life to the present moment, in order to birth her baby at home, without any partner support.
Her journey is a reminder to us all about the sacredness of the mother-infant relationship during Birth, that succession of dots, that succession of Love, the continuation of Life. From there, Love Birth Life is born.